Unwanted pests bring with them a whole lot more than health and safety risks. They could likewise cause disagreements between tenants and landlords about who is responsible for dealing with the problem. Just in case your rental home has begun developing a pest problem from the time you got here, you should take immediate action. For all kinds of reasons, a vast number of renters refrain from doing so, which time after time, clearly worsens a difficult situation. As a renter, it is imperative to appreciate when pest control is your responsibility, and what you can do to thwart a pest problem in your Celina rental home first and foremost.
Having a clear understanding of when it is your responsibility as a tenant to pay for pest control rests on your lease and/or whether your actions directly brought about the infestation or not. There are many different types of pests that can invade a rental home. A number of these pests, including ants, cockroaches, and fleas, are often attracted to a home because it is not kept clean enough. For example, if bags of garbage are left sitting or uncovered food is stored in the home, ants, and cockroaches are expected to find this environment really appealing. Such insects thrive in environments with a plentiful food source and love to eat garbage and crumbs. Skunks, mice, rats, raccoons, and other animals are also strongly attracted by garbage left uncovered outside and can create havoc in a very short amount of time. In the event that you own a dog or other pet, it may bring fleas into the house. Fleas carry diseases and can quickly infest every corner of a home.
In all the circumstances stated above, it is the tenant’s behavior or actions that invited the pests in. Considering this, under the terms of most leases, it would be your responsibility as a renter to pay to have the unwanted pests removed. Along the same lines, in the event that your rental home has a moisture problem that you did not provide notice about, you could be responsible for the pests such conditions attracted as well. In nearly all cases, a professional exterminator will be requested to figure out whether your living conditions caused the pest problem. Just in case their findings would find out that you are liable, you could be required to pay for any and all obligatory pest removal services.
The wisest decision that a renter can implement is to be proactive about their rental home maintenance. There is a whole bunch of stuff that renters can do to protect and keep their rental homes pest-free. Safeguarding and keeping the home clean, inside and out, is probably the most straightforward and optimum way to prevent unwanted pests. Keeping garbage and food (both human and pet) in containers with tight lids and disposing of any trash right away is another important strategy for outdoor pests.
When it comes to pests who thrive being indoors, checking that food is tightly sealed and properly stored in the refrigerator or pantry and that crumbs are swept up daily is the most ideal way to fend them off. For renters with pets, keeping your animal clean is the best way to avoid a flea infestation and all the problems that come with it. There are likewise several good flea prevention products available that can benefit those in areas highly prone to fleas and ticks. By immediately springing into action, you can fend off the cost as well as the nuisance of paying for pest extermination on your rental property.
Are you on the lookout for your next Celina rental home? Take a look at our available rentals and give us a call at 469-820-0088 for more information.
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